Despite of the earthquake and following tsunami in Japan, we are unaffected and still alive.
Astrid's cellphone is still in Goa - somewhere. Probably on a beach. If anybody should find it - let me know! In the meantime, you can reach me by letters.
In Bangkok we stayed in a hostel with a lot of danish people. We had our first real night in dormitory with 10 people. We came across an interesting french guy who put up his stinky socks and underwear every night. So, we gladly paid more for a different room with air -con.
In India people tried to get our money by directe measures - simply begging for it. While in Thailand people will also scam you and get your money - yet, in a discrete manner. We were ripped of by both tuktuk and taxi drivers. We learned from our mistakes and took the skytrain instead.
As far as touristic events we visited a few temples, a closed museum, Jim Thompson's House as well as the famous backpacker place - Khao San Road. Since we both had caugt a really bad cold in India, it was delightful to sit in the Lumphini Park and simply read a book.
In India people were curious, more intense and constantly staring us. It was a shock coming to Bangkok - suddenly no one stared! We did find thai people very helpful and polite. Some would just start a conversation with us or automatically help us find the way. All in all, we felt more like tourists than backpackers when visiting all the tourist attractions. But our dirty feet, clothes and mosquito bites probably gave us away. Besides, sleeping in a dorm is real backpackerstyle right? It is also much more social like that, than having a double room for ourselves.
Koh Tao
Wedensday night we left the big city and set off to a remote island, Koh Tao. It was about 5 hours in a bus followed by a boatride in a catamaran. Did we mention there was a storm? At first when we hit the big waves everybody was laughing cheerfully of excitement, but when the crew came around with puking-bags and tissues, we knew what was to come. We can only say -we've never been this seasick before.
The first day we were both catching up on lost sleep, and since Randi's cough was only worse with additional fever and chest-pains, she decided to get to know a real thai hospital. After a nice conversation with a very polite doctor, and a following x-ray it was confirmed that Randi suffers from bronchitis. She recieved four bags of various pills, an envelope with the x-ray and ordered not to swim for the next four days.
We hope to go snorkeling tomorrow as it probably will be our last day at the island.
Hei tante Si og Randi!
SvarSlettVi syns det er moro å sjå bilder. Det var ein fin kamel. Og så klokka med bokstavar på. Fargeblyantar.
(Diktert av Cecilie og Anders). Klem frå fem